Journey – Women , Movement , and Ecstatic Dance …

An invitation to Journey; a dance  and body awareness experience  through guided meditation and ritual group movement took me to a beautiful space. All white,  lit with a hundred candles twinkling in the spring twilight, everything shone with a pristine white glow and sense of purity as we  slowly gathered , entering the space  made sacred by the  grace and sweet intent of our hostess Asha at Spazio del’Arte, an event and art gallery on Eastern Avenue in downtown Toronto. The Journey – guided by Tania ,of GoddessGrooves ,  a dancer and body – spirit awareness facilitator from Vancouver is an open and welcoming dance circle  of wonderful, joyous women who gather to focus and build  their spiritual energies harnessed through meditation and dance  in this, a modern version of ancient group ecstatic spirit dance .  Urban yoginis from varied walks of life  entered the circle. Artists,  yoga teachers, social workers, models, designers, photographers, they left their worldly personas at the door , and opened  their arms, hearts and spirits to welcome the Spring, and the new cycle of the Earth and each other in a joyous circle of love. I  thank Tara Corriveau, the  radiant beauty  who shares her heart and spirit so generously  through her Belly Fit classes for the invitation . The Journey workshops will be continuing monthly at performance spaces in town until their new Body Arts and Yoga Studio opens in the  late Spring . These workshops  are a wonderful way to center upon essential core  movements, freedom through cathartic release and  promote both spirit and body awareness. Almost like an ancient rite of passage, the workshops can clear the spirit and heart, and are truly powerful in preparation for a wedding, or even just to release  tensions after a long winter, and to release our bodies into the arms of the waiting Spring. Energized  and  inspired, I look forward to more of Tania’s marvelous Journeys

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to come in the months ahead. Dance is the key to finding our own bliss at whatever age or stage in life; one feels the pulse and rhythm of one’s own heart, and empowered, steps dancing to the heart beat of our Mother Earth with renewed joy .

Please, see their lovely new website for more information about Tanya, Goddess Grooves and her Journey dance  workshops : For a fabulous space for events and exhibits , or even a wedding reception , see Spazio del  Arte  at

About Natasha Von Art and Photography

An impassioned artist, sculptor, designer and photographer, I combine painting and photography with a visionary eye. View all posts by Natasha Von Art and Photography

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